Gadgets Overview

The Performance Objectives app for Jira comes with 10 stand-alone dashboard gadgets. Scroll through each gadget to view an overview of its features.

Performance Objectives Gadget



  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use, Conditional and Formula Metrics

  • Display by all types of fields

  • Group by/Stack by all types of fields

  • Cumulative and Declining bars

  • Sum, Average and Moving Average Calculations

  • Targets

  • Bar and Column Chart, Tiles or Pivot view

Performance Trend Gadget



  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use, Conditional and Formula Metrics

  • Display by Data type fields

  • Group by/Stack by all types of fields

  • Cumulative and Declining trends

  • Sum, Average and Moving Average Calculations

  • Targets

  • Trend, Line or Area Chart, Tiles or Pivot view

Circular Gadget


  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use, Conditional and Formula Metrics

  • 3 Levels of display

  • Sum and Average Calculations

  • Pie, Donut, Sunburst, Windrose, Radial bar charts, Tiles or Pivot view

Scatter and Bubble Charts Gadget


  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use, Conditional and Formula Metrics

  • Display and Group by any field

  • Extend the scatter plot by adding a metric visualized by the size of the bubble

  • Sum Calculation

  • Scatter or Bubble charts, Tiles or Pivot view

Heat Map Gadget


  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use, Conditional and Formula Metrics

  • Horizontal and Vertical axis by any field to visualize hot spots between data sets

  • Sum, Average and Moving Average Calculations

  • Heat map chart, Tiles or Pivot view

Tree Map Gadget

  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use, Conditional and Formula Metrics

  • Up to 3 levels of hierarchical data - part to whole relationship by any Jira field

  • Sum, Average and Moving Average Calculations

  • Tree map chart, Tiles or Pivot view

Multi Metric Combined Chart Gadget

  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use or Conditional Metrics

  • Axis scale selection for each metric

  • Sum or Average Calculation

  • Display by any field

  • Bar and trend chart, Tiles or Pivot view

Multi Metric Trend Chart Gadget

  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use or Conditional Metrics

  • Multiple y-axis, where each metric has a separate axis

  • Sum or Average Calculation

  • Display by Date type fields

  • Cumulative or Declining trends

  • Trend or Area chart, Tiles or Pivot view

Venn Diagram Gadget


  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use, Conditional and Formula Metrics

  • Display relationships and intersections between any field

  • Sum and Average Calculations

  • Venn diagram chart, Tiles or Pivot view

Change History Gadget


  • Multiple Data Sources

  • Rich Data Segmentation

  • Ready to use Number and Time metrics, Formula metrics

  • Display by ‘Last change date’ only with date options

  • Group by User, Text or Number fields

  • Target setting

  • Line and Area charts, Pivot view


Watch the video below representing the 12 chart types available through our dashboard gadgets