Display Date Fields by Hour, Week, Month, Quarter, Year

Performance Objectives for Jira provides various date granularity options for all Date-type fields used in Display, Group, or Stack views. You can choose to visualize your Created, Resolved, Updated, and other date-type fields by Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year. By default, dates are displayed by Week.


Additionally, there is a Consolidate by option that groups data by Day of Week or Day of Month, Week of Month, Week of Quarter, etc. By default, None is pre-selected for the Consolidate by option.


Here’s an example. This image presents two side-by-side charts displaying the same data but with different configurations of the "Created" date field.

  • In the first chart, the data is broken down by individual days, showing the exact number of issues created each day.

  • In the second chart, the data is consolidated by the day of the week, highlighting trends in issue creation across different weekdays.